Tuesday, October 28, 2008

good morning(or is it good night?)

good morning everyone.my first post:)

or is it goood night? the time as shown on d clock is specifically 12.31 a.m. it arises to this question: what is our sleeptime?is there a common sleeptime for all teens like me? while the century old nag of SLEEP EARLY! still goes strong, i can't help but wonder what begots sleepless nights when our hormone reactions start to take place(no, don't think crooked)i.e. puberty. so we are stuck in a timeless conundrum: we know when is the right tuime to sleep but we have to surpass it by 2 hours. (kinda like knowing apples are good for you but you can't find it, right?)Not to mention that school will come a-knocking 5 hours later. so we get 5 hours of sleep with an additional 1/2 hour of lying wide eyed on bed counted in.5!!!! how in the name of merlin's pants are we going to lead a healthy life?

on the other hand, school hours can't be changed either. with 2 sessions using the same classroom, it is impossible to start the morning session at, lets say, 8 and still finish the afternoon session on que. and the afternoon session can't end on 8 at night, either, as there would be timetable congestion and security issues. unless schools start hiring Aurors 24/7....................

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